Basement Renovation Mississauga



Give Your Basement New looks

Are you tired of walking down those creaky, wooden stairs that bring you to your cold, dark, unfinished basement? Now is the time to get it finished! At Reflection360, our professional and trusted tradespeople can transform your unpleasant basement into a space that you and your family love.

A finished basement can be used for so many things, including the following: a bar, extra home office space, a spare bedroom or a home gym.

Here are a few more benefits that you see when you finish your basement:

● Add a lot of value to your home when you decide to sell

● Save money on your heating bills. An unfinished basement takes more power to heat since hot air rises, finishing your basement keep the heat in!

● Potential to add a new bathroom for added privacy

● Turn it into a rental room to gain more revenue


Finishing and renovating a basement takes a lot of hard work and requires high attention to detail. Most of the standard basements we finish take about 14 days to complete, and in that time, our team performs most, if not all, of the following tasks: demolition, constructing walls, planning out electrical/plumbing work, installing insulation and soundproofing the walls and ceiling, flooring work, painting, making extra rooms for laundry/a bathroom/etc.

If you require a more extensive basement renovation, we can handle that as well! Call us today for a free consultation, and our team can go through the construction process with you and provide an estimate for the timeline and budget.